Description: Tenured Professor

Tenured professorial appointments are reserved for scholars of the first order of eminence who have demonstrated excellence in research, teaching, advising, mentoring, and service/citizenship and who have the capacity to make significant and lasting contributions to the department(s) proposing the appointment. Candidates for this position should evince scholarly achievement and impact on the field, intellectual leadership and creative accomplishment, teaching, advising, and mentoring effectiveness in a variety of settings with both undergraduate and graduate students (and, as appropriate, researchers), contributions to the University community and broader scholarly community, and potential for future accomplishments in all these realms. Past accomplishments or a general standard of merit are not sufficient for appointment. Candidates should ordinarily have a doctorate (with the exception, as appropriate, of appointments in the arts). Professors are expected to employ their time in teaching, advising, mentoring, scholarship, and the obligations of academic citizenship. These appointments are without limit of time and are at the rank of professor.

Please see Chapter 2, Section A, “Tenure-Track System,” for more information on the tenure track.